Week 1: Session 2

Variable, Types, Console, and Sequencing

Activity 1: Review

Review Session 1

  • Writing a program on paper.
  • What is the Python language?
  • Setting up a Coding environment: place to type in code and python program to execute it.
  • Write an instruction to print your name.
  • Look at diagram of Computer Architecture: identify what parts of the computer we used print names.

Activity 2: Write a program to introduce yourself

  • Understand what a variable is and how to create one
  • Understand basic data types such as numbers and strings
  • Learn basic syntax print, variables, operators, string & integrate, import
  • Create a program to introduce yourself: "Hello my name is _____"
  • types: string, int, float, double

Activity 3: Write a Program that works with numbers

age = input("How old are you? ")
years_plus_3 = int(age) + 3
print ("in 3 years, you'll be ",years_plus_3)

Write a challenge that uses math to add, subtract, multiply or divide

results matching ""

    No results matching ""